Follow the faeries, follow the faeries,
Let them lead you astray
Pull yourself from well-trodden paths
And whistle your time away
Follow your feet to forest folk
Who dance through night and day
Unravel the toil, let stiff toes find soft soil
But don't lose yourself on the way!
The faeries, they know how to dance til they're merry
And quite a bit more than that too
They'll tell you these tales which stretch out like wales'
And quite a fair bit of them's true
Make your heart sing then sweep you in their ring
Just don't let it happen to you!
I look in your eyes and I see the sunrise
Of decades and years ago
In them you hold the key to your soul
It's beautiful. Didn't you know?
I hold your gaze above the blaze
Of the fire that burns below -
I really don't want to let go.
by Lois Ryan
Read more beautiful #poems about #faeries and more on Lois Ryan's website Thoughts Fragmented